The PCI Blog is written by our team of editors, as well as industry contributors, and includes thought provoking opinions, trends, and essential paint and coatings industry information.
This new laboratory not only aids BASF customers, but is part of a larger plan that is transforming southeast Michigan's economy from one that is manufacturing based to one that is knowledge-based.
As Paint & Coatings Industry (PCI) magazine continues to evolve, we are always looking for ways to improve our product for our readers, and have decided to form an editorial advisory board to help further develop our editorial content.
Back in March, I wrote a blog for the PCI website that reflected on the rout in the oil markets of the world and discussed how this might impact the commitment of the coatings industry to sustainable development.
It is time again to look at what’s happening in the coatings industry in North America and around the world. In this issue of PCI, we feature our annual study of the global top-10 and the top-25 North American coatings manufacturers.
The market for antimicrobial coatings is creating opportunities because of (1) the growing need for antimicrobials in traditional healthcare/medical markets and (2) the emergence of entirely new markets for antimicrobials.
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