The PCI Blog is written by our team of editors, as well as industry contributors, and includes thought provoking opinions, trends, and essential paint and coatings industry information.
Looking back over the past year, it may be my imagination but I did not seem to hear the word ‘sustainability’ referred to as often as I used to in the trade press, and the mouths of politicians and industrialists.
Economic sentiment remains strong globally, and is expected to remain so through 2018. Demand for TiO2 is robust, with both a strong housing market and healthy automobile sales. TiO2 demand growth for 2017 is forecast at around 2%, with 6.1 million tonnes in demand for 2017-2018.
What could be the biggest opportunities, for any business, in the world that we inhabit? At first glance, this might seem a very generalized question… but it is still worth asking!
At school we learn some absolute foundations on which to build our embryonic scientific knowledge: gases are compressible but liquids aren’t. The world is an ordered place and we begin to understand its rules.
Do you have any articles that talk about the pros or cons of powder coating with zinc primer vs galvanizing and then powder coating over top? Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge :)
At the Paris Climate Conference in 2015 (COP 21), most countries agreed to reach net zero greenhouse emissions by the second half of this century. It is an ambitious, but achievable target. It also represents an opportunity for businesses to prepare for a low carbon future with simple determination, and by leveraging their innovation and expertise.
I am new to powder coating, but the plant where I work has been doing it for a few years. The guys do a good job on single color and are starting to experiment with multi colors. Is multicolor powder coating possible? If so, do you have any information that would help us?
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