The initiative of ECHA to launch a public consultation on the proposal submitted by France to amend the current harmonized classification and labeling of Bisphenol-A from reproductive toxicity category 2 (hazard statement code H361f) to reproductive toxicity Category 1B (hazard statement code H360F) has created a debate in the industry.
In Part 1 of this article series,1 we discussed a new class of reactive surfactants, both nonionic and anionic, for use in both conventional aqueous emulsion polymers and in UV-curable coatings that contain two polymerizable moieties.
Acrolon Ultra is a high-gloss, solvent-based acrylic polyurethane providing long-term UV protection for high-profile structures where high durability is required.
Devoe® Bar-Rust® 234P is the first solvent-free epoxy, low-temperature potable water tank lining system designed to meet the industry’s need for low VOC compliance, without compromising performance.
This article reports on the performance results of acrylated monomers and oligomers when subjected to typical end-use tests designed to measure the flexibility and adhesion characteristics of coatings.