October highlights distributors, and includes an interview with the National Association of Chemical Distributors, as well as company profiles of many specialty chemical distributors serving the coatings industry. The issue also includes articles on new ambient-curing resins, the impact of silanes on the solution stability of latex, an overview of colorant technologies worldwide, and much more.
Over the past couple of decades, there has been a lot of discussion, R&D, marketing and sales efforts aimed at converting as many products that are based upon fossil fuel-derived specialty chemicals to “green” (biosourced) analogs, as possible.
The COVID-19 pandemic has escalated the aggressiveness and frequency of cleaning in higher-risk healthcare environments. This, coupled with existing guidelines, has created a need for more durable and chemical-resistant solutions in the healthcare built environment.
The use of ambient-curing silicone resins shows a good alternate option to formulate high heat-resistant coatings compared to the traditional oven-curing or ambient-drying silicone resins.
Silanes have been shown to improve film properties of resin systems when they are reacted into the resin or incorporated into a resin solution as additives. The improved properties result from their unique functionality, which allows for inter-polymer crosslinking and chemical bond¬ing to many substrates.
PCI recently talked to Eric R. Byer, President and CEO of NACD, about the effect the global pandemic has had on chemical distributors, the outlook for the coatings market, and current legislation that the NACD is actively involved in to protect the chemicals industry.
Scops Coating Technologies, a manufacturer of omniphobic coatings and additives, announced an award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help fund its research and market its environmentally friendly product.
Specialty and custom chemicals manufacturer MFG Chemical has moved its corporate headquarters from the original location in Dalton, Georgia, to nearby Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Specialty chemical provider Croda International Plc. announced that construction is underway for its North American Headquarters and Innovation Centre, scheduled for completion before the end of 2020.
When concerns were raised about specific forms of nickel in standard cobalt titanate, CI pigment 50 (PG50) in the EU, The Shepherd Color Co. deployed its expertise in technical, analytical and regulatory areas to find two high-performance pigment solutions.
The British Coatings Federation (BCF) welcomed recent proposed changes to the forthcoming UK REACH regime as a small but welcome step in the right direction but warned that these changes alone will not be enough to prevent the coatings sector – and wider chemicals industry - from being hit hard financially under the new post-Brexit regime.
A new market analysis by Research and Markets predicts that amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for matting agents is estimated at $493.7 million in 2020 and is projected to reach a revised size of $604.8 million by 2027.
A single-pigment solution, Arctic® Black 10P925 offers jet masstone color, is non-magnetic and is widely listed on chemical registries for global supply.
The Spectro 1 Pro portable spectrophotometer produces full reflectance curves, has easy-to-use quality control features, and offers mobile share capabilities.
Orion has developed a customized packaging system with soluble and meltable Minibags that offers dust-free and sustainable handling for both powder and beaded carbon blacks.
An electrically heated, 350 °F bench oven, No. 991 features 2" insulated walls, leg support stand, Type 304 2B finish stainless steel interior, and exterior of brushed #4 stainless steel.