Fluorescent coatings and LED black lights enhance nondestructive testing, advancing maintenance strategies for lifetime coatings and corrosion prevention in various industries.
Protective coatings and vapor-phase corrosion inhibitors help extend the life of traffic signals by shielding poles and control cabinets from corrosion.
Refinishing is about more than just making a car look new again—it’s also a matter of safety. The look is all the more important today as self-driving vehicles drive demand for radar-compliant paint.
A cutting-edge anticorrosion additive endured 6,000 hours of real-world coastal testing—revealing surprising results, including the standout performance of waterborne acrylic coatings in marine environments.
Custom test methods, tailored to field conditions, address limitations of standardized tests, improving coating performance with practical solutions for real-world applications.
AI can transform paint formulation, reducing development time, enhancing sustainability and opening new market opportunities with precision and efficiency.
Boost accuracy and repeatability withthe new CE-certified Gardner Gel Timers, specifically engineered to determine the gel time of various materials such as resinous plastics, epoxy resins, adhesives, drying oils, FRP, two-component elastomers and paints.
With greater flexibility than limited traditional equipment, modern, multi-functional instruments can ensure reliable coating performance by measuring critical characteristics like friction, peel, wear, and scratch resistance.
The new test kit provides a complete solution for evaluating the environmental conditions prior to painting, as well as measuring the dry film thickness of the coating after application in accordance with SSPC PA-2.