Fluorescent coatings and LED black lights enhance nondestructive testing, advancing maintenance strategies for lifetime coatings and corrosion prevention in various industries.
Demand for man-made lagoons is rising, highlighting the durability of aliphatic polyurea-based linings for long-term waterproofing and structural integrity.
Protective coatings and vapor-phase corrosion inhibitors help extend the life of traffic signals by shielding poles and control cabinets from corrosion.
The University of South Florida reduced cooling costs and improved energy efficiency by applying a heat-reflective exterior coating that lowers building surface temperatures by up to 40 °F.
A new thermal additive enhances energy efficiency and fire resistance, reducing heat absorption, improving emissivity, and meeting stringent environmental and building performance standards.
A cutting-edge anticorrosion additive endured 6,000 hours of real-world coastal testing—revealing surprising results, including the standout performance of waterborne acrylic coatings in marine environments.
Have you ever heard of the galvanic series and wondered what it is or how it affects you? Luke Stone, technical service engineer at Cortec Corp., recently shared valuable insights on the topic.
Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is a rising concern for the energy sector. A new standard test method may help reduce risk and protect steel integrity.