The new plant aims to serve as a model for energy optimization while significantly increasing production capacity for battery-powered vehicles and hybrid models.
Tech Etch has designed and developed a robotic spray-coating process used to apply conductive carbon and graphite coatings to battery current collectors, fuel cells, thin-metal cathode grids used in implantable pacemaker batteries, and other energy storage devices that require low-resistance coatings.
In order to slow down the erosion of the base metal and help to extend battery life, one company has designed and developed a robotic spray coating process used to apply conductive carbon and graphite coatings to battery current collectors, fuel cells, thin-metal cathode grids used in implantable pacemaker batteries, and other energy storage devices that require low-resistance coatings.
The payoffs could be substantial if you’re thinking about designing a robotic paint booth for use in the automotive manufacturing sector. Adding robots into the workflow could lead to greater efficiency, better overall quality, and more. This technology can also increase a facility’s scalability, which is good news if an automaker struggles with frequent demand fluctuations.
This enhanced robotic system can paint and apply custom design elements to extremely complex body surfaces such as vertical or A and C pillars, fully automatically and without masking.
Investing in a painting robot is not a guarantee of future success. The five use cases in this article highlight why people are increasingly interested in these purposeful machines.