Festool introduced a new lineup of jobsite solutions, including an air filter, upgraded dust extractors, and advanced cordless lighting for improved efficiency.
In industrial settings, noxious airborne contaminants from a variety of sources can jeopardize indoor air quality, compromising worker health, productivity, and even regulatory compliance unless the air is sufficiently purified when ventilation alone will not solve the problem. This article explores some solutions.
By properly matching painting process applications to VOC control equipment options, overall capital investment and operating costs can be significantly reduced.
The Pro-Flo® SHIFT air distribution system for use in Advanced™ Series bolted and Original™ series clamped AODD pumps allows Wilden AODD pumps to achieve up to a 60 percent savings in air consumption over all competitive AODD pump technologies.
DUROPURE™ captures and thoroughly cleans chemical and particulate-contaminated air, allowing treated air to be returned safely to indoor working environments.