A one-day event, "Zeta Potential Analysis of Large Particles, Fibers and Membranes," is aimed at those interested in learning about the possibilities of zeta potential measurements for surface characterization.
Lab Unlimited is offering its one-day seminar, Rheology & Viscosity Methodology, on Thursday, December 1, 2017, at the company’s head office in Dublin, Ireland.
Malvern Instruments is offering a webinar that focuses on the unique technology of the m-VROCi, Viscometer/Rheometer On a Chip and the benefits it delivers.
Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of North Carolina have demonstrated a new design for an instrument, an "instrumented nanoscale indenter", that makes sensitive measurements of the mechanical properties of thin films - ranging from auto-body coatings to microelectronic devices — and biomaterials.
IBM scientists have been able to differentiate the chemical bonds in individual molecules for the first time using a technique known as noncontact atomic force microscopy (AFM).
A Rice University laboratory has come up with a one-size-fits-almost-all way to measure batches of single-walled nanotubes that promises to help researchers and industry make more efficient use of the wondrous carbon material.