Material science startups face unique challenges in scaling innovations for coatings, requiring significant investment, strategic partnerships and extended development timelines.
The EAB course will be held January 22-26 at the ChemQuest Technology Institute (CQTI) facilities in South Boston, Va. Beginning April 22, the more advanced EAS course will blend remote and in-person learning to provide participants with a combined virtual and hands-on opportunity.
Researchers at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan have automated a complex and labor-intensive process for analyzing the results of X-ray diffraction studies, which are used to determine the structure of crystalline materials.
The microscopic structures and properties of materials are intimately linked, and customizing them is a challenge, and Rice University engineers are determined to simplify the process through machine learning.
Using experimental techniques, researchers at Northumbria University, Newcastle, England, and Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, England, have made the first-ever direct observation of the elusive dewetting process, which takes place when a liquid film retracts to form a bead-shaped drop.
Air Products’ Board of Directors has approved the intention to fully separate its Materials Technologies business via a tax-free spin-off to its shareholders.
A new center at Rice University and Pennsylvania State University will study, in collaboration with industry, the development of atom-thin two-dimensional coatings for a variety of uses.
A Northwestern University-led team recently found the answer to a mysterious question that has puzzled the materials science community for years, and it came in the form of some surprisingly basic chemistry.
A team of scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Northwestern University has produced 3-D images and videos of a tiny platinum nanoparticle at atomic resolution that reveal new details of defects in nanomaterials that have not been seen before.