Looking to Nürnberg
Once again it is time for this extraordinary event in the coatings industry – the European Coatings Show and Congress. The 2007 show attracted over 23,000 trade visitors from 99 countries – all of whom were seeking technical and business information from over 800 exhibitors.
Once again it is time for this extraordinary event in the coatings industry – the European Coatings Show and Congress. The 2007 show attracted over 23,000 trade visitors from 99 countries – all of whom were seeking technical and business information from over 800 exhibitors. Undoubtedly the global economy will have some effect on the 2009 event, but hopefully it will be minimal. In these difficult times we need the industry to come together and look forward with new technology that will sustain our future.
The product portfolio covered at the ECS is all-inclusive, from coating, ink and adhesive raw materials, to intermediates, laboratory and production equipment, test and measurement equipment, application, services, and environmental and safety issues. Truly all the needs of the industry are addressed in this one venue. And typically new product introductions are displayed and discussed.
The Congress has always been a focal point of this event, as it showcases innovative, state-of-the-art research in this industry. This year the Congress keynoters will highlight the concerns of the industry today: “What’s smart, thin and green? Coatings of tomorrow!” and “Resin technology challenges beyond 2010.” A full Congress session also promises to discuss the latest in technical developments, innovative products and ‘smart’ coatings, all of which offer new opportunities for the design and improvement of coatings.
This year one session will be devoted to the NAPOLEON research project. NAPOLEON is the abbreviation for “NAnostructured Waterborne POLymEr Films with OutstaNding Properties”. The goal of this project is to create a platform for the development of new products on the basis of films with a controlled nano structure without organic solvent or residual monomer.
Please note that in our weekly e-newsletter we bring you something each week on nanotechnology. There are global research breakthroughs almost daily in this area. We include some that are not directly related to coatings today – but could be in the future, as well as some that are just interesting and fun to know about. Governments and industries are not holding back spending for nano projects, as they all recognize the tremendous value in this technology. If you do not get our e-newsletter please go to our website (www.pcimag.com) and sign up – it’s free and is delivered to your mailbox each Monday morning.
Speaking of nanotechnology, we note that despite the global economic crisis, Industrial Nanotech, Inc. reported its fourth consecutive year of triple-digit growth rate in 2008. The technical value of their Nansulate® specialty coating line has moved them forward despite the economy.
Watch the breakthroughs in biobased material usage in coatings. The “green” theme may have had some spin when first introduced, but it is a very real concept today and is definitely an advantage to those suppliers and manufacturers who have dedicated green research.
We hope to see you in Nürnberg and we will be reporting on the Congress papers and the Show. Our hope is for a successful show that will be a boon to the industry!
Once again it is time for this extraordinary event in the coatings industry – the European Coatings Show and Congress. The 2007 show attracted over 23,000 trade visitors from 99 countries – all of whom were seeking technical and business information from over 800 exhibitors. Undoubtedly the global economy will have some effect on the 2009 event, but hopefully it will be minimal. In these difficult times we need the industry to come together and look forward with new technology that will sustain our future.
The product portfolio covered at the ECS is all-inclusive, from coating, ink and adhesive raw materials, to intermediates, laboratory and production equipment, test and measurement equipment, application, services, and environmental and safety issues. Truly all the needs of the industry are addressed in this one venue. And typically new product introductions are displayed and discussed.
The Congress has always been a focal point of this event, as it showcases innovative, state-of-the-art research in this industry. This year the Congress keynoters will highlight the concerns of the industry today: “What’s smart, thin and green? Coatings of tomorrow!” and “Resin technology challenges beyond 2010.” A full Congress session also promises to discuss the latest in technical developments, innovative products and ‘smart’ coatings, all of which offer new opportunities for the design and improvement of coatings.
This year one session will be devoted to the NAPOLEON research project. NAPOLEON is the abbreviation for “NAnostructured Waterborne POLymEr Films with OutstaNding Properties”. The goal of this project is to create a platform for the development of new products on the basis of films with a controlled nano structure without organic solvent or residual monomer.
Please note that in our weekly e-newsletter we bring you something each week on nanotechnology. There are global research breakthroughs almost daily in this area. We include some that are not directly related to coatings today – but could be in the future, as well as some that are just interesting and fun to know about. Governments and industries are not holding back spending for nano projects, as they all recognize the tremendous value in this technology. If you do not get our e-newsletter please go to our website (www.pcimag.com) and sign up – it’s free and is delivered to your mailbox each Monday morning.
Speaking of nanotechnology, we note that despite the global economic crisis, Industrial Nanotech, Inc. reported its fourth consecutive year of triple-digit growth rate in 2008. The technical value of their Nansulate® specialty coating line has moved them forward despite the economy.
Watch the breakthroughs in biobased material usage in coatings. The “green” theme may have had some spin when first introduced, but it is a very real concept today and is definitely an advantage to those suppliers and manufacturers who have dedicated green research.
We hope to see you in Nürnberg and we will be reporting on the Congress papers and the Show. Our hope is for a successful show that will be a boon to the industry!