Associate Editor, Karen Parker, provides a snapshot of the 2021 year in coatings based on information she gathered for our annual Global Top 10 and PCI 25 rankings of the top coatings manufacturers.
PCI’s annual ranking of the top 25 North American paint and coatings manufacturers, based on 2021 coatings sales. Sales of non-coating products are not included.
The PCI 25 is a ranking of the top 25 North American coatings manufacturers in 2020. The ranking is based on 2020 coatings sales. Sales of other non-coating products are not included. Because of acquisitions, three companies on the list last year are not included this year.
Find out who the top 10 global coatings manufacturers were in 2020. The ranking is based on 2020 coatings sales. Sales of other non-coating products are not included.
As coatings formulators respond to the demands of consumers and the opportunities provided by new technology, the mixing industry is doing its part to support any emerging innovations.
It's time again for PCI's annual ranking of the top 10 global and top 25 North American paint and coatings manufacturers. The ranking is based on 2019 coatings sales. Sales of other
non-coating products are not included.