The additions to Green Seal’s Board come at a time of growth and increasing market relevance for the science-based organization, which sets globally respected standards for healthier, greener products and is a leading authority on safer and more sustainable cleaning and facility care.
PPG announced that it has maintained a Gold Rating in corporate social responsibility from EcoVadis, which is a trusted business sustainability ratings platform.
During the fiscal year, IPRA members — an association of nine North American recycled paint manufacturers with decades of industry experience — worked in ten states and the District of Columbia to collect an estimated 6.6 million gallons of leftover latex paint.
Using recycled paint donated by GDB and Amazon, PSI partnered directly with local governments, the state government and local nonprofits to establish demonstration sites in Missouri that showcased the high quality, low cost and sustainability of recycled paint.
We have made some of our standard additives with the organic components sourced from the farm instead of the oilfield. The Silsurf Bio series of coatings additives provide the same great performance but are largely made from botanical plants instead of petroleum plants.
PVS Chemicals, Inc. (PVS) and Energy Systems Group, LLC (ESG) plan to capture waste steam to generate 2.6 MW of renewable electricity through a steam turbine generator in the new onsite Waste Heat to Power (WHP) Plant.
The 2022 State of Supply Chain Sustainability report explores how supply chain sustainability (SCS) practices are being implemented globally and what that means for professionals, enterprises, industries, and the planet.
The report showcases progress the company is making in implementing its sustainability strategy with initiatives focused on advancing the circular economy, renewable feedstocks, and electrification.