With the Special Prize, ALTANA AG honors an outstanding idea in the field of chemistry in the competition. The team convinced the jury above all with a clearly defined business model including potential business partners, customers ready to pay, and a strong USP.
Andreas Denker took up his position on April 1 of this year as part of a transition phase together with the outgoing CEO. His more than 20 years of management experience with internationally operating companies will stand him in good stead.
“The recent leadership promotions in our organization represent our ongoing commitment to recognizing and developing top talent within the specialty chemical industry,” said Ron Zmich, Senior Vice President of Industrial Specialties.
The report highlights our progress across the three pillars of the company’s sustainability strategy: empowering people, innovating solutions, and operating without compromise.
As the nation’s premier middle school science competition, the annual 3M Young Scientist Challenge invites students in grades 5-8 to compete for an exclusive mentorship with a 3M scientist, a $25,000 grand prize, and the chance to earn the title of “America’s Top Young Scientist.”
Future Market Insights' half-yearly comparison analysis and review features insights into the market's various industrial and innovation factors including electronic industrial growth, innovative coating applications in the construction and automotive sectors, investments in the field of nanotechnology, and more.
The comments highlighted the negative impact that these regulations would have on the chemical industry and the U.S. economy, and urged EPA to instead consider requiring a workplace chemical protection program (WCPP).
GDB Paint & Coatings, Paint Care, and the Illinois Recycling Association worked closely to help pass the Paint Stewardship Act in Illinois, and marked the accomplishment with a tour of GDB's facility.