The company was recently bought by Manali Petrochemicals Limited (MPL), India’s only integrated manufacturer of polyols and a part of AM International, Singapore.
Following the launch of their new ULTIMATE Repair System, a range of products designed to speed up processes, while maintaining quality and giving a cost effective solution, FLP Group are now opening the doors to its technical training canter on Wednesday August 2, 2023.
Responsibilities for the new role will include overseeing product launches for a range of new company-branded, hand-applied products, as well as providing personalized service to existing and new clients in the UAE and around the world.
Williams is currently the Executive Chairman of Parker-Hannifin Corporation and also was appointed to the Compensation and Management Development Committee of Sherwin-Williams’ Board.
Evonik is aiming to revalidate its climate targets in the near future so that it can also support a path that limits warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050.
The Innovation Award, with which ALTANA recognizes outstanding research achievements on the part of its employees, was presented this year for the eleventh time.
The statement followed the U.S. Senate’s failure to pass H.R. 4470, legislation to reauthorize the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Security (CFATS) program, prior to its expiration date.
The live event on September 12, 2023, will showcase how technology is playing a critical role in the company’s long-term profitable growth strategy, and highlight the company’s innovation playbook and portfolio of scalable technologies.
The results show consolidated net sales increased 6.3% in the quarter to a record $6.24 billion, and net sales from stores in United States and Canada open more than 12 calendar months increased 9.5% in the quarter, among other key takeaways.