According to the EcoVadis rating methodology, PPG earned “advanced” scores in the categories of environment, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement practices.
The new site will customize solutions to address the specific needs and challenges of its customers, facilitate the development and validation of new products, provide timely technical support for quality concerns, and keep pace with technological advancements in the industry through research and innovation.
According to the CEO, "Dow once again delivered top-quartile performance in our annual benchmarking on three-year average cash flow, margins, return on invested capital and shareholder remuneration."
At the annual shareholders’ meeting at the Rosengarten Congress Center in Mannheim, Germany, Dr. Markus Kamieth was named the new Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors and will replace outgoing Chairman Dr. Martin Brudermüller.
The project helped revitalize the Children and Youth Ward of the Beskid Treatment and Rehabilitation Complex, part of the Long-Term Care Hospital in Jaworze, Poland.
The collaboration, known as the California Research Alliance (CARA), has fostered 94 peer-reviewed papers, 47 patent applications, and multiple technologies integrated into BASF products, among other initiatives.
The court is expected to appoint an insolvency administrator to examine the possibility of continuing business operations and possible options for restructuring and/or selling the business in due course.