Asbury Carbons Inc., processor of carbon and graphite materials, recently announced that it has acquired Garmor Inc., an advanced materials company based in Orlando, Florida.
The National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) recently released new data on the severity of the maritime shipping crisis facing NACD members and shippers throughout the United States.
Every year, the ALTANA Innovation Award honors the most promising new developments of the global specialty chemicals group, and in 2021, the ECKART division won the prize for the second time in a row.
Hexion Inc. recently announced it has ranked among the top four companies in the North American chemical sector with a score of 50 out of 100, according to an environmental, social and governance (ESG) assessment from V.E, part of Moody's ESG Solutions.
Springer Industrial has expanded its service area to include the states of Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma and now also covers the entire state of Texas.
J.M. Huber, a sixth-generation family-owned business, has earned the 2020 Sustainability in Family Business Award from The International Institute for Management Development (IMD), a Swiss business school, and the Pictet Group, a global wealth management company.
Songwon Industrial Co. Ltd. recently announced that the worldwide exclusive distributor agreement (non-exclusive for Europe) with SABO S.p.A. for the SABOSTAB® HALS portfolio, which includes hindered amine light stabilizers and oxanilide UV absorbers, has been extended.