Wall Colmonoy and Strain Harden announced the one-year anniversary of their Middle East strategic partnership for the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Repela Tech LLC, a Detroit-based sustainability tech startup from Wayne State University, was awarded a National Science Foundation Small Business Technology Transfer Phase II grant totaling $993,788 for research and development on a patent-pending antifouling marine coating.
Organizers of the 2022 Waterborne Symposium are seeking submissions from academia, government and industry presenting novel research results in all aspects of coatings.
BASF Refinish recently announced the appointment of its newest ColorSource member, Crest Industries (CRS), as a BASF single line distributor in the St. Louis, Missouri, market.
Rain Carbon Inc., a global producer of carbon-based products and advanced materials, recently announced two new initiatives as part of its commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of its operations and helping customers attain their sustainability goals.
Norner recently announced that it has received certificates recognizing approval in accordance with both IMO Resolution IMO MSC.215 (82) and IMO MSC.288 (87) for its marine coating testing.