During the 2018 CCAI Annual Meeting in Sarasota, Florida, the Chemical Coaters Association International (CCAI) held its annual awards ceremony to recognize the CCAI Chapter Users and Suppliers of the Year and announce the 2018 James F. and David J. Wright Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.
Atlantic Plywood Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts, is now a master distributor of a large selection of Milesi high-performance Italian wood coatings, according to a joint announcement released by the companies.
The School of Poymers and High Performance Materials at The University of Southern Mississippi has issued a call for papers for the 46th Annual International Waterborne, High-Solids and Powder Coatings Symposium.
Maroon Group LLC, a specialty chemical and ingredient distributor, announced the retirement of Dan T. Canavan Sr. from D.B. Becker, a Maroon Group LLC company.