Architects, designers and developers have an exciting new source of inspiration to draw from following the launch of Collection Futura 2018-2021 by AkzoNobel's Interpon powder coatings brand.
Covestro LLC announced that, effective Feb. 1, 2018, Jerry MacCleary, currently President and Managing Director of Covestro LLC and head of the Polyurethanes business unit in North America, will assume new responsibilities as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Covestro LLC.
Grace Matthews Inc. and Owensboro Specialty Polymers Inc. (OSP) announced the acquisition of OSP by Borchers Americas Inc., a leading manufacturer of additives for the coatings, paints and printing inks markets.
Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announced that its Pakistan affiliate has been named Employer of the Year in the multinationals segment in a nationwide contest organized by the Employers Federation of Pakistan.