As one of the first phases of Evonik’s ‘Herne Green Deal’ to sustainably transform the Herne chemical site, the TORTE project will feed industrial waste heat from isophorone production into the district heating network.
As part of the company’s global strategy for 1,4-butanediol (BDO), it has assessed the market environment and product carbon footprints (PCF) of BDO and its downstream products from different production sites worldwide.
"Our organization’s continued financial strength is vital for AMPP's capacity to fulfill our mission and generate enduring value for members and customers," said AMPP CEO Alan Thomas.
Nouryon recently recognized seven of its top global supply chain partners through its annual 2023 Supplier of the Year Awards event held in Miami, Florida.
Highlights of the report include a 12% volume growth and 5.5% value growth in the company's Decorative Business segment in addition to showing a consistent double-digit volume growth trend on a four-year CGR basis.
Santino Zingales will play a crucial role in expanding the company's market presence, cultivating strategic partnerships, and driving sales initiatives to meet and exceed company objectives.
Brenntag is one of the very first distributors globally certified for the full chain of custody for direct shipments and warehouse business for the first 9 out over 20 warehouses currently in scope.
The high double-digit million euro
agreement is the basis for all future business relationships that exist between the two companies in many different areas, enabling much faster and easier collaboration.