A groundbreaking study reveals how the iron coating on Komodo dragon teeth keeps them razor-sharp, offering intriguing parallels to the predatory habits of carnivorous dinosaurs.
The partnership with Tnemec will further strengthen Cloverdale Paint's leadership role in heavy-duty industrial coatings and reinforce one-stop customer solutions.
The collaboration between Kurita America and Solugen will provide innovative solutions that introduce high-performing, bio-based substitutes to phosphorus- and other petroleum-derived additives currently on the market.
“We saw a continuation of the dynamics of the first quarter, marked by positive volume momentum across most of our businesses. There was still pressure on prices,” said Dr. Markus Kamieth, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE.
The new Director will oversee the support and expansion of the company’s industrial product portfolio, focusing on critical areas such as liner coatings for primary and secondary containment, CUI solutions, and other specialized offerings.
In addition to exhibiting at the event, Vice President, Richard Czarnecki will participate in the event's keynote panel discussion and discuss Navigating Materials of Concern in the Coatings Industry.
The results show revenue is up compared to Q2 last year, but on the half-year, revenue is flat, pushing the company towards the lower end of its year-end guidance.