Through a new recycling process, this company is able to serve the markets with a final recycled product that saved many important ingredients from land burial or fuel blending.
This new antimicrobial technology provides a safe mechanism for generating an antimicrobial active surface for coatings with unique, long-lasting antimicrobial protection against a wide spectrum of microbes with no risk of microbial resistance.
A ranking of the top 10 global and top 25 North American coating manufacturers. The ranking is based on 2017 coatings sales. Sales of other noncoating products are not included.
This article demonstrates the equivalence of a simple calculation for crosslink density to more sophisticated methods developed by others. By virtue of the method's simplicity it has been easily extended to more complicated UV-curing systems and serves to easily determine the effects of prepolymer architecture on the crosslink density in the cured film.
From the perspective of TiPMC Solutions, ensuring reliable supplies of high-quality TiO2 and the feedstocks required to produce it will mean that coatings and other downstream customers will need to share value with the TiO2 producers, and their feedstock suppliers.
Wood finishing is one of the last processes in the manufacture of furniture or cabinets and the first thing seen on the retail floor. The wood finish emphasizes the mission of the furniture and cabinets with respect to their look and feel. It triggers consumers’ emotional responses to the senses of sight and feel.
As new tools and technologies are developed, surface scientists will continue to innovate and create new formulations to meet the needs of those new developments.
SMA resins have been effectively used as pigment dispersants and ink transfer aids for many years. This study quantitatively demonstrates that a new SMA copolymer derivative performed exceptionally well as a transfer aid.