In the Indian (as well as African) subcontinent there is a maze of water transportation pipelines being laid that faithfully relies on the proven track record of coal tar products (commonly referred as wrapping coating) for underground installations. This article looks at various coal tar-based anti-corrosive systems used for UG piping and their relevance in today's industry, especially the widely used torch-applied coal tar tapes.
The COVID-19 pandemic has escalated the aggressiveness and frequency of cleaning in higher-risk healthcare environments. This, coupled with existing guidelines, has created a need for more durable and chemical-resistant solutions in the healthcare built environment.
Over the past couple of decades, there has been a lot of discussion, R&D, marketing and sales efforts aimed at converting as many products that are based upon fossil fuel-derived specialty chemicals to “green” (biosourced) analogs, as possible.
Silanes have been shown to improve film properties of resin systems when they are reacted into the resin or incorporated into a resin solution as additives. The improved properties result from their unique functionality, which allows for inter-polymer crosslinking and chemical bond¬ing to many substrates.
The use of ambient-curing silicone resins shows a good alternate option to formulate high heat-resistant coatings compared to the traditional oven-curing or ambient-drying silicone resins.
CAS DataLoggers supplied the industrial data logging solution to Northeast Coating Technologies (NCT) in Kennebunk, Maine. NCT is a surface treatment company specializing in Salt Bath Nitriding Melonite® Quench-Polish-Quench (QPQ), among other processes, to produce high-durability metal components including piston rods, axles and more.
There is no doubt that mobility, sustainability and the rise of smart manufacturing will continue to reshape the global industrial landscape and stimulate economic growth. Chemical companies can innovate breakthrough solutions by banding together with industry peers, customers, regulators and other stakeholders.
Signal Group has confirmed that the latest version of its portable FID analyzer, the 3010 MINIFID PURE, is being submitted to TÜV for QAL1 testing. This is a procedure to demonstrate that the instrument is suitable for its intended purpose, and meets required performance standards and the uncertainty allowances specified in EU Directives.