When the pressure is on to maintain your high quality standards when scaling up production, ensure your chemical manufacturing software has all the inbuilt quality features, from receiving through production to shipping, to avoid the downside of delivering substandard products to your customers.
The acquisition was an opportunity for Axalta to enter the wood coatings business, a market size of more than $8 billion globally, with an industry-leading product portfolio and a customer-trusted business with a strong reputation.
The study revealed that the coatings industry, while continuing to address certain challenges, continues to be a stable and steadily growing industry in Canada.
The new photothermal measuring device can measure the thickness of more than 95 percent of the powder coatings currently on the market, including normal, textured and metallic products.
Rheological tests that properly characterize sag and leveling must mimic a low force level applied to a paint sample over an extended time interval to confirm that performance of the paint formulation is acceptable.
During a time when the aerospace sector is stuck in a quandary, facing an imminent ban on the use of cadmium while still attempting to qualify replacements, zinc-nickel offers a more cost-effective, simple and effective replacement.
The present study shows that the reactive diluent Tolonate X FLO 100, used in blend with conventional HDI-based polyisocyanates, can bring significant advantages to 2K polyaspartic systems.
The metal packaging industry demands a high-performing coating with a food safety profile desirable to consumers, which not only avoids BPA, but also other materials of concern such as epoxy, styrene or phenolic crosslinkers.