The exterior of the historic battleship USS Iowa has been repainted using PSX®ONE coating, a one-component acrylic-siloxane coating introduced last year by PPG Industries’ protective and marine coatings business (PMC).
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology have spent nine years developing new environmentally friendly and effective antifouling paints through a joint research program called Marine Paint.
An Eastern Michigan University professor has partnered with a Michigan-based company to help commercialize "green" protective coatings developed by his research team at the university.
According to a new report by Global Industry Analysts Inc. (GIA), niche and end-use applications will stimulate growth opportunities for the global epoxy resins market.
International Paint LLC, an AkzoNobel company and a provider of high-performance protective coatings, linings, and fire protection products, has named Neil Plowman the company’s new Marine & Protective Coatings General Manager, Americas.