Chemineer: DT top-entering and portable mixers for paint and coatings applications are fitted with industry-standard NEMA motors and gearmotors from 1/4 to 5 hp and commercially available seals.
Xenon Corp.: The Pulsed UV Light brochure describes the advantages of pulsed UV light for a wide range of curing applications, rather than continuous mercury UV lamps.
Rotex, Inc.: With its ergonomic design, the APEX™ screener increases up-time by enabling quick screen changes, while retaining the same process efficiency and gyratory-reciprocating motion of the ROTEX® Screener.
Myers Engineering, Inc.: The Quad Mixer was designed to handle a variety of applications - not only the range of heavy viscosities common to this style of mixer but also those lighter products having troublesome flow characteristics.
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.: RHEOCALC 3.1 Software is designed for use with DV-II+Pro Viscometers and DV-III Ultra Rheometers in industries that require strict control of data capture without any possibility of modification or tampering.