Scientists at Harvard University and the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) hope new understanding of the natural nanoscale photonic device that enables a small marine animal to dynamically change its colors will inspire improved protective camouflage for soldiers on the battlefield.
Artek Surfin and Aterian Investment Partners, currently joint owners of Galata Chemicals, Southbury, CT, have reached a definitive agreement whereby Artek Surfin will acquire Aterian’s shares in Galata Chemicals.
The Grinding & Dispersion business unit (Advanced Materials division) of Bühler is merging its existing applications laboratories in Viernheim (Germany) and Uzwil (Switzerland) and creating an advanced Center of Competence in Uzwil.
A Loughborough University research team has won research funding from the UK-based Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) to examine the health and safety considerations of nanotechnology.
Specialty chemicals company Clariant announced 2013 full-year sales from continuing operations of CHF 6.076 billion compared to CHF 6.038 billion in full-year 2012, an increase of 4 percent in local currencies and 1 percent in Swiss francs.
HORN, a distributor of specialty ingredients, chemicals and raw materials, announced that Jeffrey M. Wear has been named Senior Account Manager, supporting HORN Coatings and Building Materials.