SMA resins have been effectively used as pigment dispersants and ink transfer aids for many years. This study quantitatively demonstrates that a new SMA copolymer derivative performed exceptionally well as a transfer aid.
To overcome the drawbacks of powdered carbon blacks, Orion Engineered Carbons is developing carbon black-based pigment preparations that facilitate, and in many cases eliminate, the dispersion step.
Greater awareness of phenomena that occur on a nanometric scale and subsequent testing (both in application and synthesis of polymers) have led to the development of new materials with better performance characteristics than the traditional ones, with full respect for the environment.
The adhesion/corrosion balance of the previous study yielded significant new insights into resin design. Polymers with good wet adhesion and good corrosion resistance could be isolated, and those properties correlated back to their monomer compositions and particle morphologies.
Waterborne OMU has all the advantages of solventborne OMU including inherent mar resistance, chemical resistance and amber film color, while overcoming the shortcomings of low-VOC solventborne OMU including slow dry and softer film.
Through the use of designed particle morphology and process conditions a latex has been developed that can be formulated into a coating without the use of coalescing solvents that gives excellent corrosion resistance, adhesion to steel, and still is hard enough to give good block resistance and dirt pickup resistance.
The corrosion protection provided by DTM coatings has improved with advances in binder technology; however, when formulating a waterborne DTM every component of the formula contributes to the corrosion performance.
This article highlights Benda-Lutz® COMPAL WS, a new range of nonhazardous, aluminum pigment concentrates designed specifically for long-term stability in waterborne coatings and inks.