In this article special emphasis is given to PVD technology and its application for polymeric materials in the automotive and home appliance industries, highlighting cost reduction and improved quality around surface modification of parts.
In an effort to streamline the production process and increase delivery time, plans were made to renovate the Charleston Boeing Delivery Center into a state-of-the-art aircraft paint facility in 2014.
Well known for its high-performance qualities and durability, including superior resistance to ultraviolet rays and exceptional dirt and stain resistance, Sherwin-Williams Coil Coating's Fluropon offers many valuable features.
In this two-part series, we explore how this carefully crafted design of experiments (DOE) isolated and contrasted the impact and interaction of three key process variables: film build; atomization, and coating viscosity (as determined by temperature).
The improved adhesion, good corrosion resistance and good QUV gloss retention show that the hydrophobic resin in the hybrid polymer can be used to reduce the effects of high acid on corrosion and of styrene on QUV gloss retention.
Following the results from this study, biobased preventative is an excellent and environmentally acceptable alternative to petroleum-based products in temporary corrosion protection.
In this research, newly designed multifunctional polyol systems based on a polycarbonate structure and advanced polyisocyanate systems as crosslinkers were investigated in order to improve chemical resistance of coatings.
To overcome the drawbacks of powdered carbon blacks, Orion Engineered Carbons is developing carbon black-based pigment preparations that facilitate, and in many cases eliminate, the dispersion step.
Although CBPC coatings are relatively new in mine, quarry and aggregate processing applications, their use will only grow as word spreads about how they can inhibit carbon steel hopper and structural corrosion for decades as well as reduce premature maintenance and replacement.
Binders that show a high contact angle both before and after the salt spray test perform better for corrosion protection, compared to those that show low contact angles before and after the test.