LumiShield provides a new approach to pretreatment technology with an electrodeposited aluminum oxide coating that improves performance, conforms to current and future regulatory guidance and at a lower cost.
As the hospitality industry slowly begins to return to business following the ease of restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased demand for Versital surfaces with SteriTouch antimicrobial protection within bars, restaurants, public washrooms and other public areas.
In the Indian (as well as African) subcontinent there is a maze of water transportation pipelines being laid that faithfully relies on the proven track record of coal tar products (commonly referred as wrapping coating) for underground installations. This article looks at various coal tar-based anti-corrosive systems used for UG piping and their relevance in today's industry, especially the widely used torch-applied coal tar tapes.
The use of ambient-curing silicone resins shows a good alternate option to formulate high heat-resistant coatings compared to the traditional oven-curing or ambient-drying silicone resins.
As the largest Sherwin-Williams Aerospace distributor, one of the best ways that Blend Supply serves industry partners is through custom color matching. Christopher Cummings, Master Color Matcher, is in charge of all color matches, and fields all color application questions. He describes his process in this article.