Having a sound understanding of color measurement geometry is essential to get the most out of your color measurement system. The improper application of measurement geometry can lead to large discrepancies between color assessments of visual color differences compared to measured differences.
The spectrophotometer enables accurate color measurement of painted surfaces, plastic parts, packaging labels, automotive parts, furnishings and other manufactured goods. Measurements check the visual impression of the color, gloss level and effect of the surface texture.
More than 550 exhibitors displayed their latest developments in raw materials, laboratory and production equipment, testing and measuring equipment, and services for the coatings industry during the 2016 American Coatings Show.
Companies that source custom-fabricated, corrosion-resistant lined tanks from a single source can save on the purchase price and speed delivery, while assuring that their tanks and liners are designed and built to maintain integrity.
Paint and coatings professionals who continue to contribute to the evolution of ebeam-friendly formulations and applications help bring light to this important but often secretive technology, and also equip their customers with new tools to save money, improve their production techniques and introduce new, differentiated products.
To determine the most suitable equipment for a specific grinding process, it is important that the supplier and end user jointly discuss and develop all requirements and options regarding process and plant in advance.