More than 550 exhibitors displayed their latest developments in raw materials, laboratory and production equipment, testing and measuring equipment, and services for the coatings industry during the 2016 American Coatings Show.
In addition to highly sustainable production, the Ningbo process provides iron oxide red pigments with exceptional coloristic behavior that exceeds any currently available iron oxide pigment in the market.
As either a coatings manufacturer, appliance company or someone in the market looking for an appliance, how can we better understand color and be on top of the latest color trends in the appliance market?
Successive international TiO2 magnates raised their product prices in Dec., 2015. The market intelligence firm expects that after a short time this will prevent the TiO2 price in China's market from falling and it's even possible that it will cause the price to rise in early 2016.
The pigments are an innovative solution for solar heat management: through their use, the dark surfaces of the deck reflect a large part of the sunlight that they are exposed to.
Through clever collaborations and a commitment to her personal passions, Keefe’s work has demonstrated that sound science can lead to truly novel solutions - often in the most unexpected of places.