Co-blending Intelli-ion anti-corrosives with phosphate-based systems offers a step-change alternative that enhances current coating systems without changes to the manufacturing process.
Following the phasing out of hexavalent chromium, there was a clear need for innovation in order to offer the same level of protection against corrosion. With new micro-reservoir technology, this company is able to incorporate chemicals that were previously incompatible with coatings and offer a smart inhibitor that delivers on price and performance.
Development of eco-friendly, sustainable and high-solid (low-VOC) coatings have received a lot of attention due to environmental concerns and legislative issues.
Inhibispheres are a new class of corrosion inhibitors for powder coatings. Inhibispheres utilize a sustained release technology based on corrosion inhibitor microencapsulation via a silica matrix.
The requirements that are normally in balance in a DTM can be achieved using Inhibispheres (IS) due to their size, shape, refractive index and the sustained release of their unique corrosion inhibitors.
This article presents encouraging results from a designed study looking at the combination of recycled and renewable feedstocks, as well as the use of non-metallic corrosion inhibition, resulting in a new product for superb metal substrate protection.