The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association (CPCA) announced that Stéphane Simard will be the keynote speaker for its 101st Annual Conference and AGM, which takes place in Quebec City October 5-7, 2014.
The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association’s (CPCA) highest honor, the Roy Kennedy Outstanding Achievement Award for 2014, will be presented to Mike Klein, President and CEO of Dominion Colour Corp.
The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association (CPCA) will honor three individuals for their contributions to the association and the paint and coatings industry in Canada.
After several months of extensive consultation with Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) and Stewardship Ontario (SO), the Canadian paint and coatings industry has formally submitted an Industry Stewardship Plan (ISP) to run its own producer-managed waste reduction program in Ontario.
The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association (CPCA) is offering a Diploma in Coatings Technology to members and non-members in the coatings industry in Canada and around the world.
The Canadian paint and coatings industry now leads the world in post-consumer paint recycling with a waste diversion program in every province of Canada.
The paint and coatings industry has formally notified Canada’s Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) that it wants to establish its own program operation for post-consumer paint recycling in Ontario.