Ultraviolet and electron beam (UV+EB) cured inks have been found to cause few problems in the recycling process, according to a recent study by the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA).
A multi-step continuous process has been developed to convert renewably sourced furfural to 1,5-Pentanediol (1,5-PDO), which is a low-cost renewable replacement for 1,6-HDO, a diol intermediate currently used to produce coatings, adhesives and plastics.
During the first fully digital Henkel Packaging Adhesives Sustainability Forum, industry experts representing the entire value chain discussed the challenges and opportunities when it comes to sustainable packaging.
Manufacturing organizations have incorporated sustainable formulations that supports a circular economy by the inclusion of renewable raw materials, as well as water- and vegetable oil-based products in place of solvent-based like mineral oil.
A new white paper by Flint Group Packaging Inks outlines an ambition to achieve transparent and sustainable supply conditions for the print and packaging supply chain.
Over the past couple of decades, there has been a lot of discussion, R&D, marketing and sales efforts aimed at converting as many products that are based upon fossil fuel-derived specialty chemicals to “green” (biosourced) analogs, as possible.
ExxonMobil announced the publication of a series of studies aimed at helping formulators and manufacturers support new product development, sustainability product performance attributes and eco-labeling requirements.
WACKER's International Press Workshop focused on the role of the company's construction chemicals in residential buildings and tomorrow's megacities, including energy-efficient building, enhanced protection of cement and concrete, and solutions for sustainable construction techniques.