AkzoNobel has appointed Krahn Chemie as its distribution partner for the construction industry in Benelux for the Bermocoll® cellulose ethers and Elotex® emulsion powders product groups.
Arkema announced that Azelis Canada (Unipex Solutions Canada), an Azelis Americas company, will handle the distribution of the Orgasol® product line across Canada.
Verdezyne Inc., a synthetic biology company producing biobased chemicals, and Connell Bros. Co. LLC (CBC), a marketer and distributor of specialty chemicals in the Asia-Pacific region, announced an agreement for sales and distribution of Verdezyne's BIOLON™ DDDA (biobased dodecanedioic acid or DC12).
BASF has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Nexeo Solutions, a privately owned chemical distributor, for the distribution of BASF’s specialty high-performance solvents in the United States and Canada.