Visitors to the Middle East will soon be able to experience the largest and highest Ferris wheel in the world, Ain Dubai (the Dubai Eye), which is being protected by coatings from AkzoNobel.
The entry submission process is now open for the annual Sherwin-Williams Impact Award, which recognizes excellence on North American water and wastewater projects.
Although CBPC coatings are relatively new in mine, quarry and aggregate processing applications, their use will only grow as word spreads about how they can inhibit carbon steel hopper and structural corrosion for decades as well as reduce premature maintenance and replacement.
Randy Moore, Director of Sales – Agency Development and Industry Affairs for Tnemec Co. Inc., has been elected a Vice President of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Board of Directors.
CHEMLINE 2265 is specifically formulated as an interior lining and an exterior coating for large-diameter transmission lines of potable water, waste water and raw water.