Many factors are affected by the presence of microbes and their metabolic byproducts, including viscosity, pH, gas production, odor and color development and plant equipment.
The obligations placed on suppliers and importers of treated articles have increased significantly, and now industries with no previous biocide concerns need to consider what steps are needed to ensure compliance.
Due to the low concentration needed, this biocide does not compromise the paint’s chemical structure, color or other cooperative biocides involved. Instead it opens up new formulation possibilities for the active ingredients used in controlling antifouling performance.
The European Regulatory Conference on Biocides: A Strategy for Product Authorization is taking place on February 3, 2015, at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Brussels, Belgium.
For yellow pigments, CTAC chemistries have been found to be most effective at the lowest doses (0.1% or less) because they don’t work solely on formaldehyde-based killing.