Emergence of real-world testing of coatings products to validate the protection levels of assets worldwide is becoming a major issue. Here Sherwin-Williams reveals how the company is committing to a new level of these tests on behalf of its customers.
As you extend the protection of the payload and/or controlled release aspect of microencapsulation, you can look to a future that includes biocides, effect pigments, antioxidants, flame retardants, catalysts and colors, just to name a few.
I came across your blog whilst looking for solutions to an ongoing problem I’ve had. I design and manufacture designer gates cut from 3-mm mild steel. When I get the raw steel back from laser cutting it is still covered with mill scale.
For the coating system itself, the ultra-tolerant Dura-Plate 301 epoxy coating system was chosen for its exceptional durability over water jetted surfaces, due to its tolerance to damp, flash rusted or low roughness steel surfaces.
The Corrosion Inspector was designed to produce a fast and objective evaluation of filiform and other corrosion phenomena by digital analysis of coated test plates.
The improved adhesion, good corrosion resistance and good QUV gloss retention show that the hydrophobic resin in the hybrid polymer can be used to reduce the effects of high acid on corrosion and of styrene on QUV gloss retention.
Following the results from this study, biobased preventative is an excellent and environmentally acceptable alternative to petroleum-based products in temporary corrosion protection.
Although CBPC coatings are relatively new in mine, quarry and aggregate processing applications, their use will only grow as word spreads about how they can inhibit carbon steel hopper and structural corrosion for decades as well as reduce premature maintenance and replacement.