Two new anti-fouling products for dry-dockings and new buildings deliver fuel savings of up to 3% and provide added flexibility to ship owners and shipping yards.

A hydrolysing self-polishing anti-fouling product, GLOBIC 8000 builds on proven GLOBIC technology to deliver premium performance at a reasonable price. It incorporates Hempel’s nano acrylate technology, which delivers a fine polishing control mechanism to bring the integral biocides to the surface at a stable rate, ensuring a clean hull. GLOBIC 8000 can be used on all vessels at all speeds, but its nano acrylate technology binder makes it particularly effective for slow-steaming operations because of its instant activation of polishing and biocide leaching.

Extending the current DYNAMIC range, DYNAMIC 8000 uses silylated acrylate technology to deliver outstanding anti-fouling at higher speeds.
