BETHESDA, MD – The Adhesive and Sealant Council (ASC) signed a three-year agreement with the Adhesion Society whereby the Council will manage the Society’s annual meeting, oversee its membership effort and serve as the home office for the Society.

The Council and Society previously had a one-year agreement covering the fiscal year from June 30, 2013 through July 1, 2014. The success of the one-year arrangement allowed the Society and Council leadership to feel comfortable with a longer-term arrangement.

“ASC appreciates the partnership that it has with the Adhesion Society and finds tremendous value in working more closely with Society leadership to execute meetings and membership efforts,” notes Matthew E. Croson, President of ASC.  “Over the past year, we have worked closely with the Society to ensure that its members received strong customer service and their annual meeting was delivering the value that the organization has experienced in the past. We feel we were able to deliver new value propositions in 2014 including: an updated registration process, enhanced program guides onsite and a new membership certificate program for Society members to proudly publicize their involvement.”

The Council introduced the Society to a new database in 2014, providing the Society with an investment to track membership more closely, including meeting attendance, membership renewals, certificate distribution and financials.

The Adhesion Society is a long-established professional society dedicated to all facets of adhesion research. Members include academics, research professionals, and industry research and development professionals.  More information can be found at

The Adhesive and Sealant Council is the largest trade association dedicated to all facets of the adhesive and sealant supply chain. More information can be found at