GRAND RAPIDS, MI – For the third time in seven years, The DECC Co., a coating applicator based in Grand Rapids, MI, has made the Inc. 500/5000 list of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. Coming in at number 2082, DECC posted sales growth of 179 percent over a three-year period and was number 64 out of the top 100 manufacturers on the list.

President and owner Fred Mellema points to the company’s business philosophy as a main contributor to DECC’s success. “We don’t try to be everything to everyone,” he explains. “When a potential customer calls with a coating challenge, if we can’t do it, we will help them find a company that can.” DECC will regularly refer work to its competitors when the company knows a potential customer can get a better price, as well. “We touch every part we coat, so if a part’s geometry lends itself better to a bulk process like dip-spin, we let our potential customers know that.”

The DECC Co. is an ISO 9001:2008-registered functional coating applicator serving a variety of industries, including automotive, diesel, aerospace, furniture, alternative energy, commercial food processing, medical and military. DECC’s capabilities include electrostatic and robotic spray applications, surface preparation, rack coating design and fabrication, as well as assembly and packaging.