STADE, Germany – The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI, has increased its propylene glycol (PG) capacity by an additional 10 kilotons per annum (KTA) at its Stade, Germany, plant. The increase is part of the second optimization of this large-scale expansion realized in August 2010.
Bringing the total Stade PG site capacity up to 290 KTA, the 10 KTA capacity increase is part of the implementation of an energy and technology optimization project and did not alter the PG production process or product offering.
Pharmaceutical-grade propylene glycol is used in a variety of specialty products including medications, flavors, food and beverages, cosmetics, personal-care items, and animal feed.
Dow has continuously grown to become the world leader in PG manufacturing, with over 900 KTA and five global manufacturing facilities including the Stade plant, one of the world’s largest-capacity plants.
The company’s continued investments in PG have resulted in a new plant in Thailand, expected to start-up in the first quarter of 2013. Sample product for customers to begin qualifying will be available as of January 2013.