BELL, CA - Steve Guntner, Sales Manager for Myers Engineering Inc., passed away Friday, September 28, after a battle with cancer.

Guntner started in the mixing industry with Scott Tubine Mixers in the early 1980's. Commenting on his time with the company, Bill Scott said, "Steve was such a good person. We always liked him. He came to us as a Graphics Designer to help us get our business started. He really got what a mixer was and moved to sales. He was perfect for the job: soft-spoken, not pushy. He became very knowledgeable in the process side of what we do. We were learning together on how to grow my company. In fact, I tried to hire him back about 12 years ago, but he was dedicated to running his own representative firm at the time."

Guntner worked for TK Mixers and Hockmeyer before moving to Myers Engineering Inc. in February 2005 as the Sales Manager. Cary Buller, Vice President of Myers Engineering Inc., said, “Steve Guntner was one of this industry's leading experts on the application of mixing and blending equipment. Not only has our company lost a member who was a key team player, but the industry as well has been shorted his talents. Steve left quite a mark on the industry, and he will be remembered for a long time to come. Steve was an incredible team player who worked well with customers and vendors. The people he worked with will all miss him tremendously.”

Guntneris survived by his wife Susan, two sons, and a brother and sister.