ASTM Coil Coated Metal Subcommittee is inviting interested parties to participate in the development of WK17368, Test Method for Determination of Zirconium Treatment Weight on Metal Substrates by X-Ray Fluorescence. The proposed new standard is being drafted by Subcommittee D01.53 on Coil Coated Metal, part of ASTM International Committee D01 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications.

According to Robert Cianflone, president of Cianflone Scientific Instruments

Corp. and a member of Subcommittee D01.53, coaters need a reliable method of measuring the coating weight of zirconium treatments on metal substrates. The proposed standard would be used at coil coater plants and at R&D and analytical laboratories.

“Surface treatments containing zirconium appear to be one of the future replacements for zinc phosphate in the automotive industry, as well as the elimination of chromium pretreatment in the coil coating industry,” says Cianflone. “So, it will become more prominent in other steel-related applications.”

The techniques described in the proposed standard will be applicable for determination of the coating weight of zirconium or total weight of a zirconium-containing treatment, or both, on a variety of metal substrates.

For more technical information, contact Robert Cianflone, Cianflone Scientific Instruments Corp., Pittsburgh, PA, at 412.787.3600 or For membership or meeting information, contact Jeff Adkins, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International, at 610.832.9738 or, or