"In 'Modern Metallics' (April 2007), the authors note, 'Bonded powder coatings mitigate the concerns some people have regarding the safe handling of aluminum containing metallic powders. The bonding process coats much of the aluminum with a significant amount of the base powder, essentially rendering the aluminum inert.' I understand the point being made here, but a rookie to the field might falsely assume that base powder has no explosion potential..."

An Explosive Explanation

In “Modern Metallics” (April 2007), the authors note, “Bonded powder coatings mitigate the concerns some people have regarding the safe handling of aluminum containing metallic powders. The bonding process coats much of the aluminum with a significant amount of the base powder, essentially rendering the aluminum inert.” I understand the point being made here, as probably do most readers with some powder coating experience. But a rookie to the field might falsely assume that base powder has no explosion potential, and that it’s only the aluminum or other metal flake that is of flammability concern. The reality is that no organic thermoset powder is ever 100% guaranteed safe (or inert) against fire or explosion, especially if it is misused in an inadequately designed or poorly operated application environment.
--A Concerned Reader

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