BRISTOL, PA – Bucks County Community College, Bristol, PA, is offering a number of training courses for EPA certification in May and June.

The EPA-HUD Certified Lead RRP Renovator INITIAL Training course will take place May 23, 2011, in Perkasie, PA, and June 13, 2011, in Bristol, PA. The course meets EPA and HUD requirements for initial certification as an EPA Certified Renovator.

The EPA-HUD Certified Lead Dust Sampling Technician Training course will be offered June 6, 2011, in Perkasie, PA, and June 27, 2011, in Bristol, PA. This course certifies individuals under EPA and HUD guidelines to conduct non-abatement lead dust clearance testing to determine if an area is safe for re-occupancy after a renovation is complete.

The EPA-HUD Certified Renovator REFRESHER Training Model course will be offered June 20, 2011, in Bristol, PA. This course is for individuals that have current certification in an acceptable lead-related discipline and want to expand their certifications to include Certified Remodeler [CR] or renew their certification as Certified Renovator.

The Training the Non-Certified Worker in Lead Safe Work Practices course will be offered June 20, 2011, in Bristol, PA. This course meets EPA learning requirements and produces trained non-certified workers to work under a Certified Renovator.

To confirm dates and locations for these courses, contact Clorece Kulp at 215/788.3594. To register, contact Continuing Education at 215/968.8409, #2. additional information.