MUTTENZ, Switzerland – Clariant has decided to consolidate the Group Communications and Investor Relations functions into one single department, Group Communications & Investor Relations. Ulrich Steiner, currently Head of Investor Relations, has been appointed Head of Group Communications & Investor Relations as of January 1, 2011.

In his role as Head of Group Communications & Investor Relations, Ulrich Steiner will directly report to the Chief Executive Officer. The functional responsibility for Investor Relations remains with the Chief Financial Officer. In addition to his new position, Ulrich Steiner continues to lead Investor Relations.

Ulrich Nies has been appointed Head of Corporate Communications as of January 1, 2011, in addition to his current role as Head of Communications EMEA. Since November 2010 he had been Head of Group Communications on an ad interim basis.

The full organizational setup of Group Communications and Investor Relations is currently under review. The new structure of the combined functions will be announced before the end of January 2011.