TROY, MI - Coatings Trends & Technologies (CTT), a technical symposium that is a partnership between PCI Magazine and the Chicago Society for Coatings Technology and Symco, was held October 5-6 in Lombard, IL. The event was sold out, with 213 attendees, 42 sponsors and 30 technical papers presented in two tracks. The presentations ranged from architectural to industrial topics, and included talks on accelerated testing, green chemistry for coatings, easy-dispersing pigments, no-VOC dispersing agents, troubleshooting difficult coatings problems and renewable performance additives, just to name a few.

Diana Strongosky, Vice President of Research and Development at Sherwin Williams, delivered the keynote address. Her address, titled Going Green Beyond Waterborne Coatings, focused on the need for each company to decide what “going green” means to them.

The 41 tabletop exhibits were open throughout the first day, and a networking reception was held that evening. Those that exhibited were very happy with the quantity and quality of the leads they received.

Plans are underway for next year’s CTT event, which will be expanded to accommodate more exhibitors and attendees.